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Over 200 experts in over 100 industrial companies, universities and research centres worldwide have given their time and expertise.
Companies have also provided recent photographs to illustrate specific points raised in the text and individuals have contributed to the accounts of the chemical industry and the uses of specific products. All of the illustrations, many of them new, have been scrutinised by the industrial experts. We have acknowledged each photograph and wherever possible we have contacted the source direct. We hope that we have credited everyone correctly.
We are particularly grateful to the following companies and individuals:
ACC-Silicones Ltd AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd Agrium Inc Alan Smith Aluminium Federation Ltd Andrew Clements Andrew Filarowski Andrew Ritchie Andrew Wilde Anglo American Anthony Haynes Arkema Artenius UK Ltd Barry Thomas BASF Bashir Harji Bayer Crop Science Bayer Material Science Blue Star Fibres Company Ltd Bob Jennings BOC Group BP British Plastics Federation CEFIC Chris Cooper Clifton Jackson CIA CMAI: Chemical Markets Associates Inc. Claude Laurent Copper Development Association Croda CRU Group Dick Powell Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning DSM DuPont Ensus Limited ExxonMobil Fernando Galembeck GrowHow UK Harry Swan H.J. Enthoven & Sons Ian Bradley Ineos Ineos ABS Ineos ChlorVinyls Ineos Olefins & Polymers Europe Ineos Phenol International Lead Association International Lead Zinc Research Association Invista TM Joanne Rout John Barnard
John Holton John Lindsay Smith John Turnbull Johnson Matthey Joseph Barisci Kanto Natural Gas Development Company Ltd Koch-Glitsch Laurent Duranel Linde Lucite International M. W. Kellogg Limited Magnesium Elektron Maertz Ofenbau AG Malcolm Braithwaite Michael Sellers Mike Holmes Mike Lancaster Mike Wilkinson Miri Kesner NAMTEC: The National Metals Centre National Non-Food Crops Centre Nigel Bartle Paint Research Association Paul Davis Peter Sykes Pilkington Quarry Products Association Richard Lines Rickhard Gillberg Rio Tinto Rothamsted Research S+S UK SABIC Europe Sasol Society of Dyers and Colourists Solvay Springfields Fuels Limited Stefan Hillebrand Stephen Lechner Stuart Patrick Sulphur Institute Syngenta Tata Steel Tatsua Kaiho Terry Waldron Thermphos Thomas Hagn Thomas Swan Tom Salmon Tomas Dunn Tony Oates Tony Ogden Total Unilever Warwick Lywood